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This was my first time having a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session. I was surprised at how easy it was to relax completely and connect to my higher self. My questions were answered. Plus, Angie had a way of communicating with my higher self to retrieve even more information than I expected about my future here. I highly recommend her.
My wife had a Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) session then recommend Angie for energy clearing. I decided to do both Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH). I wanted to do something that would help cause a huge shift in my life. After my wife had energy healing with Angie, our relationship improved. It was as if some cloud lifted. I wanted to have the BQH and energy healing to help increase my business income and gain more clients. I waited a month to write this to watch for results. I’ve been so busy with new clients that I can hardly believe the shift. But we stay open to the flow. The money is coming in. I tell my wife daily that this is the life we came here to live. We are happy. My business is flowing with amazing abundance. And we are thankful everyday. Our goal has been reached so that now we can give back financially to a non-profit organization we have been watching. Our next goal is to learn more on how non-profits are ran so we can start our own. We are helping raise the vibration and so is Angie and BQH.
I’m in a relationship where we’ve had many ups and downs. I’ve had a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session with a different practitioner about a year ago. I’ve also had a past life regression done 5 years ago. So, this is not my first time for sessions. I gained so much insight through the Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session with Angie. She also used Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) the day before the session. I was really needing guidance with my relationship, and I was able to easily connect with my high self to receive clarity and to clear my blocks. It’s been a couple months now since my session. I can definitely see a difference in my relationship. We communicate in a more positive way toward each other, and we are happier when we are together now. I was also dealing with severe migraines at least once a week. I haven’t had a migraine since the session over 2 months ago.
I started with a Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing. Then I had a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session. I was nervous because I had never done anything like this before. It all went very well. I was able to let go to a lot of things from my childhood. It was interesting to see similarities from another lifetime and to see that I have people in this lifetime that I’ve incarnated with before. I feel a big weight has been lifted off of me. I’m so glad I did this.
I’ve never had any kind of session done before. Angie made me feel very relaxed when we met. I had a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) in person. But Angie did say she can do online Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session for a friend I’m recommending. She said BQH online works just as well as QHHT in person. Angie is friendly and easy going. I felt like I was with someone I could trust. I was able to go into a deep state where I saw 2 other lifetimes. My intent was to look at what could help me in this lifetime. I was shown lives where I was working as a healer. It really helped me to see that I can move forward on my mission. I felt like I was there in those lifetimes which was so cool. I highly recommend Angie.
During this ascension for me I’ve felt more attacked by negative energy while I’ve been awakening. I went to another healer because I felt something was holding me back and causing me to feel terrible emotionally. My business had gone south. I had a huge drop of income. After seeing the other healer, I started seeing visions of myself being held down by something. I went to Angie and found out I had past lives with the other healer. While that healer did clear some things, the door was still open to entities, and things had gotten worse for my business. Angie “shut the door” is how I would word it to entities coming in. She cleared them all-yes-more than one. Within 10 minutes I was feeling light and and more energetic. Angie then cleared between me and the other healer. Angie has a good sense of humor. She just said something like: Its good you went to the other healer first because now you’ve let go of a lot. You were with her in several lifetimes. Angie cleared many things. Programs were cleared. My business was cleared. I had abundance issues. I decided to go back to Angie to work on my abundance issues. I found out much is related to my parents and how they reacted towards money when I was a child. I could feel a huge release when that was brought up to clear. I ended up having 3 Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing sessions with Angie. I feel like I’ve been completely washed down. It’s like I’m a better me now.
I had a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session with Angie. This was my first time being hypnotized. I was a bit afraid, but she eased my fears over the phone before coming in for the session. It was such a simple process where I felt safe and it went by so quickly. I saw amazing visions of the future on this earth. I saw myself living with a group around me. Some of them I knew and some I didn’t. They felt like soul family. We had created a community together and it just all felt safe and joyful the way earth should be. My guidance kept saying the word community over and over. It didn’t feel too far in the future and my guidance said it would be very soon. I came out of the hypnosis session so happy that I came in to have the session. The QHHT session gave me a ton of information I didn’t know and confirmed some things I was feeling. Thanks so much!
My Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session was wonderful. It was my first, so I was nervous and not knowing what to expect. Angie has a way of making me feel relaxed and comfortable. I went with questions and was surprised at how easily the answers came. Angie is really good at getting a lot of information to come forward. I felt safe, and the answers felt authentic. This was a great experience.
I had a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session over zoom with Angie. I was considering driving to have a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session, but I felt having a session online would be just as good and it would save me a few hours driving. The session went really well. And she was right that it was nice being home in my own bed having the session. I had a session a few years ago. But I felt the went deeper into trance with this session. The session a few years ago was interesting but the hypnotist did not ask why I went into that past life. Angie clarified the reason for going into the two past lives that I saw. Then she took me to a connection with my high self. I could feel my high self speaking through me and I knew it wasn’t me making the information up. I sounded different on the recording, I felt a loving energy coming through me, and it was information I didn’t know. I have a lot of detailed information about my path now and I’m happy with the information about the future of earth. I’m planning on moving soon, which I was told many people have been doing.
I’ve been thinking of having a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session with someone for over a year now. I’m so happy I had one with Angie. I wish I had set up the session sooner because it was amazing. It was safe and easy. She asked all my questions and now I have a lot of information about releasing trauma and moving forward. I also have a much deeper and clear connection with my high self now. This QHHT session was life changing.
My Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session was amazing. I had a past life session years ago. But this QHHT session was much better.
I saw two past lives that showed me things for me to let go of here in this life. I also was shown my purpose and some glimpsIt’s been two months since my session, and I feel free and in charge of my life. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Thank you so much!
Angie, you beautiful soul. Thank you ever so much for your healing. The entire time I was having the Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing session, I was feeling so many shifts happening at once, like things were clearing very quickly unlike any other healing modality I have experienced. Being a healer myself and very in tune with energy, I found you to be extremely wise, highly intuitive, grounded, with such a deep understanding of our journey on Earth as well as in the spirit world. You are humble and yet very confident in your work which is the perfect combination for a healer. I have recommended you to all the women I know that will resonate with your high-level healing and support. Thank you for being You! You inspire me and I look forward to reading more of your blog. I felt so clear and grounded after our session yesterday and this morning a lot of old feelings of not feeling good enough came up to be released. I said goodbye to them and am feeling really present right now with no attachment and a deeper sense of self-love. So, thank you from the core of my soul. Love, Trish
My daughter went in for surgery, and I asked that Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing be conducted. While Angie was remotely doing the clearing, I was sitting in the hospital. I could visually see golden energy moving through the hospital during the surgery. Angie said she could see a white being moving through the hall spreading a healing energy as she did the clearing. That was really cool that we both saw healing energy. Of course, the surgery went way better than the doctors expected. An ovary that doctors said should have been dead was perfectly healthy. I KNOW the surgery would have resulted in a dead ovary that would have been removed if the energy clearing had not been done. I am BEYOND grateful!
I had a session where Angie did Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing with me. Then the next day we did a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session. Doing the Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) the day before helped to clear out any fears around the BQH session and I felt much more relaxed about the BQH session the next day. On the day of the BQH session, I connected with my Higher Guidance & received so much information. I’ve listened to the recording several times and I can hardly believe the amazing information I have from the session. Angie returns emails quickly, and when I told her I was super stressed with my financial issues, Angie said she could fit me in. I only had to wait a few days to get an appointment. I could tell that Angie sincerely cared about helping me. I feel I have released a huge weight that has been holding me back from abundance.
In the depths of my deep pain, despair and desperation, I had seen a number of healers for assistance in healing, which were helpful (allowing me to at least get out of bed every day) but it was not profound. Then I found Angie, was immediately drawn to her energy, and reached out and booked a series of Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing sessions, which had immediate impact. She has a true gift to clear dark energies, inner child issues, interferences, old programs, blockages from past lives and this lifetime, just to name a few. Angie is so powerful that it takes other healers weeks and months to clear the baggage, she can accomplish in 2 hours. She helped clear blocks to communication in my relationship and we now feel renewed hope, love and positivity. Angie is the REAL-DEAL working with compassion and providing guidance and support. She is in full alignment with her life purpose. Thank you, Angie for all you do. I am so grateful for you.
I have had three Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing sessions with Angie in the last couple of months. During our first session it was very apparent to me that she is very connected as I myself entered a higher state of mind just through the two of us talking and felt energy shifting during the clearings. After our first session I received a text from my boyfriend literally two minutes after the session was over. We went from non-communication to plans to meet up since my clearing sessions. Angie is very thorough and caring and I would highly recommend a session with her to help propel you forward!
I had a session about 5 years ago with a different practitioner, but all we did was visit one past life. That other practitioner didn’t do things that now I know are imperative. With Angie, the session revealed so much information. Angie started by conducting a Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) session. She then spent time clarifying in detail what I wanted to gain from the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session. When the session started, I visited two past lifetimes, and Angie asked the purpose and lesson of the life shown. Angie was able to help me easily connect with my highest part of myself. All my questions were answered. It was amazing. I would say it was one of the most amazing days of my life.
I’ve struggled with letting go of childhood issues. I tried therapy and medication for years. Even though I’m an adult, I could never break away from my past. The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session changed my life. I have a deep understanding and deep healing now of my childhood. I feel like a different person.
Great Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session. I saw 2 past lives. That was super exciting. The lives did relate to my questions. Angie helped me to feel safe during the session. I was nervous since it was my first time. I’m so happy to have chosen Angie for the session. Highly recommended!
I’ve been having issues with my family because I’ve been waking up quickly and they are staying in the same place-asleep. I came to Angie for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session with some questions written out but she did a great job expanding my questions so that I left with way more information than I expected. I had another session a few months ago with a different practitioner and the practitioner just asked the questions on my list and didn’t push to have my high self-expand on any information. Angie pushed and pushed taking her time to go deep into the questioning. Another interesting thing is that I could feel myself being lifted up to meet with my high self and I felt I was floating down when she was ending the session. I woke having so much confirmed and my path was more clearly defined when I woke. I definitely recommend Angie.
I had a Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Energy Clearing and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session with Angie as my practitioner. It was a very interesting session as I have never had Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). It appears to be a dowsing technique and was very pleasant and restful. After that, she moved into Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). It has become evident to me that getting to the Higher Self is easy for me. We asked a number of questions which the Higher Self responded to. One of those questions was about an infection under my right eye tooth. That has now gone away, and I am so happy about it. But the question about my general anxiety was the amazing one, because my anxiety issue has gone away. Spectacular. Thanks, Angie.
I saw Angie in Sedona for a QHHT session. I received great information about my life path. Angie was amazing. I felt safe and gained a ton of info when she asked my session questions.
I highly recommend Angie for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session.
I have been feeling my body and mind changing, and I left my job because I didn’t fit in there anymore.
The QHHT session revealed info. about my next steps to change my life. I was able to see a past life that was holding me back in this life and all my questions were answered in detail.
Angie has a great way of getting my high self to expand on answers. I ended up with much more info than I expected.