To conduct SRT clearings on clients, the Spiritual Response Association only requires that practitioners attend the Beginning and Advanced classes. I have also attended: SRT Intensive, SRT Self Mastery, & Spiritual Restructuring.
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) energy clearing was created by Robert Detzler in the 1980s. Robert added Spiritual Restructuring so we could go even deeper into clearing. During these sessions we tap into your high self and source. Your high self is the highest part of you that has a source essence within.
We were created by this unconditionally loving source, so during clearings we return to this loving point where the records of earth and all other experiences exist.
You are much more than this earth-bound human. You have healing power when connecting to your true self. Traumas can be released. Health can improve. Relationships can come closer. Self-healing is powerful way beyond what you would expect.